Food Reward Chemistry Explains a Novel Pollinator Shift and Vestigialization of Long Floral Spurs in an Orchid



•Satyrium longicauda is characterized by two pollination ecotypes•Pollination oil-collecting bees derived from moth pollination•The pollinator shift process associated with pre-adaptation and vestigialization•Minor modifications in floral chemistry can initiate major shifts During the evolutionary history of flowering plants, transitions between groups (pollinator shifts) have been frequent,1van der Niet T. Johnson S.D. Phylogenetic evidence for pollinator-driven diversification angiosperms.Trends Ecol. Evol. 2012; 27: 353-361Abstract Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (225) Google Scholar contributed to spectacular radiation angiosperms.2Hernández-Hernández Wiens J.J. Why are there so many plants? A multiscale analysis plant diversification.Am. Nat. 2020; 195: 948-963Crossref (22) Although evolution traits during has studied real time under controlled laboratory conditions,3Gervasi D.D.L. Schiestl F.P. Real-time divergent plants driven pollinators.Nat. 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عنوان ژورنال: Current Biology

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1879-0445', '0960-9822']